What you see after eating a
huge nneal,oatmeal,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes,weight,food,meal,what X see

you see after completing an epic uuorkout,oatmeal,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes,weight,food,meal,what X see

What you see after dieting for a couple of days,oatmeal,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes,weight,food,meal,what X see

Who you think cares if your weight changes,oatmeal,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes,weight,food,meal,what X see

Who ñCTUñLLy cares if your weight changes,oatmeal,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes,weight,food,meal,what X see

What you should do about all of this
The Oatmeal http //theoatmeal com,oatmeal,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes,weight,food,meal,what X see

Bonus panel:
What the neighbors will do about all of this,oatmeal,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes,weight,food,meal,what X see