Should you have any troubles or concerns, please contact us via joy@joyreactor.com.



To watch/post funny pictures/memes/whatever else and waste your meaningless life. With us.

What are the rules?

  • You must be 18+ to use the site. Shoo, shoo kiddies!

  • Child pornography is strictly prohibited.

    Drawings of minors in pre-puberty and early-puberty in a sexual context are forbidden.

  • Spam/third party advertising is forbidden.

  • If you are posting something that you aren't ready to show to your family members/friends/coworkers you must add a special tag that contains the content similar to yours that you want to post.

  • Erotica (nude/openly dressed women, pictures involving suggestive poses, any images with a hint of sexuality) must be marked with tags of erotics. We suggest using one of the most common tags: "erotic", "game ero" and "art girl". Also you can use following tags to mark erotic content (if relevant): "anime", "genshin impact", "cartoon ero" (tbc).

  • If there is any nudity but it isn't sexual then put the tag NSFW. This tag is for lewd jokes and funny pictures involving nudity.

  • What is the difference between erotics and porn? The act of penetration of something belongs to porn and should be marked with one or more tags from the xxx-files. If in the image there is a part that exposes the labia and/or the anus area, there should be a tag of the xxx-files. It will also apply if there is a strong accent on the vulva no matter if it is covered with a (semi transparent) cloth or not. The only exception is only when the image is taken from the font and only a small part of labia majora is seen.

What are the rules for creating comments?

Comments should relate to the tags of the post. So you cannot post porn in a post with erotics, you cannot post politics is a post with porn, you cannot post gore in a post with the tag politics and etc.. If you really want to then create a different post with the correct tags and give a link in the comments with a small annotation.
If the comment has a really low rating then the author gets an automatic ban for 1-2 days.

Intellectual Rights, Takedown Requests

We respect intellectual rights. When you post any content, you must be sure you have all the necessary rights to post what you post. You're liable for your content.
If you believe your intellectual rights were infringed, please contact us via joy@joyreactor.com.
If you find your personal data and/or non-public photos distributed without your consent via our Services please email the links to joy@joyreactor.com.