,anime,art,beautiful pictures,sailor venus,Sailor Moon

Artist removes one letter from famous movie titles - Austin Light.

Ron Man
,cartoon,art,beautiful pictures
Pup fiction
,cartoon,art,beautiful pictures

Beauty and the Beat
,cartoon,art,beautiful pictures

Pretty in Ink
,cartoon,art,beautiful pictures
Harry Otter
,cartoon,art,beautiful pictures
The Fat and the Furious
,cartoon,art,beautiful pictures

Graphene aerogel is the lightest solid material created.

,light,material,chemistry,science,smart jokes for clever people
,walk,cycle,gif,animated pictures
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Horny Potter (slightly dumb, I know)

ТЩ1ТШ7Р?ТШГ№>,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,Harry Potter,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes
What did your dentist sayP
jk, «#
iHaue'sex wiihme, Hermione
EsresfeniEQii^1,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,Harry Potter,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes

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