,art,beautiful pictures,cats,fish
Steroids in a nutshell
,gif,animated pictures,steriids,drawn together,nsfw,sex related or lewd, adult content, dirty and nasty jokes
,gif,animated pictures,mask
Hooj	5	ее.	Hv	r\<^>	•
I w л.	inde-p0"^
lOon0-^ ^лА Aj ЦДО$м\
^ <£v\U уОЛП [
Цо«о лле.л,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,girls vs boys
Today I can't find nothing interesting in the internet. where is all the people?
,gif,animated pictures,robot,cats
Money Really Can Buy Happiness
.5	1	2	4	8	16	32	64	128
Annual household income (thousands of $U.S., log scale),chart,money,happiness