because you haven't posted something funny enough to like it
i understand that but why do people thumb it down? if you dont like it just skip
I usually skip but not all the people are tolerant =)
just bring us either bright art or funny gif or comics
should i look for bright art on google or something bcuz i can't draw
yep, you may look for a nice art in google
or on deviantart
i just posted some art, but it seems like i automatically get 1 dislike or something...
nope, ur posts rating is 0,1 and that's okay
sorry for asking, but is 0.5 good or bad? or is 7.1 good or bad?
0,5 - is ok, "- 0,5" is bad
okay i thought in 0.7 the 0 were the thumbs up and the 7 the thumbs down so im going to delete this post. thanks DeadWhale and Re-L Mayer for helping me!
ahh, now i here it is: every newbee has a rating=0.1. This means that when you post something it'll have rating= 0.1 . When you thumb something up (or down) you give your + (-) 0.1 to it. With every star to your rating you will gain your posting/voting rating :)
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