Yay! Feminists!

I don't think that feminists take men in their groups...
I would call them cunts with no other ways to be noticed, but ye, there are some.

Feminist are a poison on this planet. Don't get me wrong I'm all for equality, but that's not what Feminism is about... at least not in this day and age. Again don't get me wrong there are plenty of feminist who fight for their rights and have every right to. but he majority is bad. I mean look at Anita Sarkeesian... she ripped of millions of people because shes a feminist and she wants equal rights in the gaming world. FYI She does not play games.
Actually, I agree with that. They want equal right as men, but special treatment as women.
The previous generations of feminists did important things, fought important battles, and won rights both legal and social for women. They were absolutely worthy of respect.
Since about 1980 or thereby, the large feminist organizations the previous generations built had no meaningful battles to fight, and so their new focus is inventing causes... and in taking rights and freedoms AWAY from women who don't meet their approval, (and of men, whom these new leaders haven't approved of since birth).
I miss the old feminists who believed in equal rights for both women and men. The new ones are basically a hate group like the KKK, except riding on all the respect their predecessors earned for the title "Feminism", and doing considerable harm to all of us as a result.
Since about 1980 or thereby, the large feminist organizations the previous generations built had no meaningful battles to fight, and so their new focus is inventing causes... and in taking rights and freedoms AWAY from women who don't meet their approval, (and of men, whom these new leaders haven't approved of since birth).
I miss the old feminists who believed in equal rights for both women and men. The new ones are basically a hate group like the KKK, except riding on all the respect their predecessors earned for the title "Feminism", and doing considerable harm to all of us as a result.
Most Feminists: "I want equal right as men, except I still want the special treatment I get for being a woman!"
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