I kinda like it, tho it has its problems... Fx. The combat is horrid on the pc and getting away from police/gangs can be almost impossible. Often the only way is to reload the last checkpoint and then less enemies will spawn. But the story is good and the none combat missions are cool :)
to run from police/gangs just escape with a boat? xD
I was once stuck with a heli chasing me for 30min. It literally knew where I was no matter what. Took me 10 more tries to escape via a bug, where the heli would disappear. But boats are kinda lame lets be honest :X
Don't forget the car collision physics, that's nasty!
you mean collision in trees, cars and walls cuz everything else is made of paperboard
The puzzles (Hacking systems) are too simple.
You have time and concentration to hack things while driving but can't aim and fire a damn gun in car pursuit.
The game isn't bad but isn't near the good things they made us think it would be.
You have time and concentration to hack things while driving but can't aim and fire a damn gun in car pursuit.
The game isn't bad but isn't near the good things they made us think it would be.
theyre just like in lego games. xD
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