Шкег Raccoon is equipped, it ha£ rid haste. j	sjЩ
ig of у our upkeep, if you control lipmeiit. sacrifice it. If yaudo,' rarv fdy 'nH equipment card and p it into pla^attachecgfo "OTeket Raccoon. Then shuffle ydjg НЬгагуИИ '	/-----
Rocket Raccoon
Legendary/Cfearure — Beast
453/556 P - Namlcciian
LegendaryXreature — Treefolk
Defender, reach
Groot, Flora Colossus can block an additional creature for e^ch creature you control. ^
Sacrifice Gr^ot, Flora Colossus: Creatures you control arc indestructible this turif. You gain 8 life.	i
392/SS6 P - Namlcciian
Qroot, Flora Colossus &&&&
Peter Quill, Star-Lord	jfe
Legendary Creature — Human Mercenary
Whene^Qr.lfeetcr Quili/ Star-Lord attacks - gain cotits©!, of targeyjaifaet foj^as 1 < as you cohtrfol Peterjjjflm,' S
£ Sacrifice an^rtif^ct: PutJPctc Star-Lord orhtoo of
416/S56 P - Namlcchan,Guardians of The Galaxy,Marvel
( Legend^Crealure - Zeli Whoberi Assassin s?
1 №«*rftc \	\	|
| Greatures^cmr oppdgems co n rro I ;ca nTF'blo ck I unless tltefi1 roller pays © forsi|S^ i blockin^kfmurc.	vNy\
"• Gamoyi^tGalactic Danger gets + 1/^f for each creature blocking it.	J	A—-
436/556 P - »•> NamlcciiaN
Qamora, Qalactic
Trámpte yf/ чг
0©:‘&ax the Destroyer gets +l/+i^Ûntil end jjÖÄn and dealáp|darnage to othcffeaturc yon edhtrhl, where XdBjfc nunTOgrof times you hav&ctivated amnBPfnis turn.	i
k Drax the Destroyer	
	í !
"	1
* f ^ 1	m
f LegSfldary Creature — Human Bereiter 'л/ J	
490/556 P • e*