Would you want to survive a zombie apocalypse?
Why dont use DeadSpace rules? shoot out their limbs
you know that may be what hapens when the zombies come
I't like any other pledge you have to destroy the root to be free otherwise you won't be the dominate specious.
No internet, life lose all they sense.
Decimate - —Usage note
The earliest English sense of decimate is “to select by lot and execute every tenth soldier of (a unit).” The extended sense “destroy a great number or proportion of” developed in the 19th century: Cholera decimated the urban population. Because the etymological sense of one-tenth remains to some extent, decimate is not ordinarily used with exact fractions or percentages: Drought has destroyed (not decimated) nearly 80 percent of the cattle.
Thus, as used here, decimating 99% of the population means about only 9% were affected. Much better odds imo.
The earliest English sense of decimate is “to select by lot and execute every tenth soldier of (a unit).” The extended sense “destroy a great number or proportion of” developed in the 19th century: Cholera decimated the urban population. Because the etymological sense of one-tenth remains to some extent, decimate is not ordinarily used with exact fractions or percentages: Drought has destroyed (not decimated) nearly 80 percent of the cattle.
Thus, as used here, decimating 99% of the population means about only 9% were affected. Much better odds imo.
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