There're worst: My friend once copied from me the exact answers, even my name. I've got 95% and he was got 100%.
That teacher just didn't like you
It's called the pretty/blue eyes theory - usually works for girls or cool guys. That means I'm not that cool enough or I'm ugly :-)
We've decided that you're ugly, remember? :D
I've just told this to my gf - and she was laughed at me, and now she's wondering if she has an ugly people fetish :-)
Yes, she has an ugly people fetish
Once, me and another, class mate do an orale exam, i answered correctly to all question, class mate just say everytime "i can't study that because [insert exscuse here]" i've got an F and she got an B+ after that she run to the bathroom cryning and screaming "i deserve an A". What i didn't say she is the daughter of one of the teacher of my old school.
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