why do you need any reasons? hentai just exists and we must admit it )
Well yeah ^^ the thing is that I have a bet running so I have to convince the person that Hentai is good, all my creative (haha.. ) arguments are used so I need new ones ^^
well, listen. hentai is good because we can fap on it when we are too tired to fap on real porn. real goodness, yeah
thats a good one ^^
Sadly it'S not enough D:
that made my day XD
Personaly no matter how u look at it its all fake and up to ur imagination if the super cute anime girl draws ur attention then so b it if the hot porn star draws ur attention so b it but no matter what u look at its all fanticy and will never happen so enjoy what u look at and don't let some one tell u its wrong or some thing like that we all fanicise about some one at one time or another it just so happen that the person ur fanitsing about was drawn and born in some one else's imiagination and will unfortunately never b a real person sorry sprta ranted there
I like your answer ^^
Thx alot ^^
Thank you sorry for the spelling error 1i don't spell worth a dime 2 I hadn't sleep yet when I wrote that so wasnt cognitive enough to go back over it
It's fine I cant write perfectly all the time tho lol ^^
like nudity, it may be pornographic or artistic; hentai also has these two connotations. Depends on the artist and / or the observer to decide if it is one or the other.
nudity may be artistic or pornographic, hentai also can be taken both ways; these depend on the intentions of the artist and the observer's position: If you think the hentai is something beautiful or just a way to satisfy your instincts, this depends on each one, and you as administrator must be impartial and post with criteria and quality.
thx for the answers, but here a question, how in the world did ya find that post? it's around 5 months old D:
I found joyreactor just a couple of weeks ago. and I'm enjoying it on every page.