id do the universe after my image but i think someone already did that. =P
nothing - no reason to act
just like the real one. hahahahaha lmfao
Kill putin immediately and all dictators on planet. Repair all roads in Ukraine and all other countries who needs road repairing. Grow up economic of Ukraine and all other weak-economic countries. Make every human to found his\her man or woman. Make everybody get normal pay for his\her work. Sorry for bad english.
what's this fetish about roads? a fresh smooth brand new road turns u on?
He want to be the roads god - and people should sacrifice asphalt for him.
If you live in country with bad roads and bad economic - you will understand me. If you live in country with normal roads and normal economic - you will not understand me. It is annoying to drive every day on bad roads, and live behind angry people because of low economic.
Ukraine has bad roads and bad economy? i see your point but if i put in comparison to the rest of the world, your problems are gonna sound like first world problems, im not saying theyre wrong but in my world a normal economy is a fucked up economy as is like that in most countries of the world outside of europe, north america or australia
I can't fully agree with you. Sorry.
fuck everyone in my neighborhood!!!
it had to be the brazilian. id the same tho. lmfao
Same thing as God... nothing sit back and laugh at the week and watch them suffer. also lots of video games :-\
Thank you, but I'm altready a mentally healthy.
Generating an absolute void, the only way to make something without injustice. No suffering, no prejudice, no solitude, no pain, no impotence, no mind, no feeling, no sentient, no love, no happyness, no satisfaction, no discovery, no company, no enrapture... by my point of view is only an improvment.
no impotence? lol
see where humanity goes
Get out of debt, give myself a stable job and a vehicle that works.
Go back to bed
peep on the girls bathroom
You're mean like that instaed:
Nice movie: Bruce Almighty (2003)
Play Minecraft with the world.... Create creepers and let them lose... or just transform some fanatic muslims, either way.... shhhhhhhh BOOM!
...I would ask this question on joyreactor obviously
I would bring this guy back! I think Hitler and Jesus are the same dude!
fuck everything
Impregnate a virgin and demand my chosen people slice off parts of their body that i made them with.
End man kind. To start over. Try another race of human like creatures and watch THEM drive themselves into the ground.
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