bullshit life is a bitch. this comic is being optimistic which is not the of realistic therefore life IS a bitch
the same*
Missed the point entirely, haven't you.
Your surroundings is the mirror of the soul. If you think life is a bitch, a comic about life will obviously look liek a bitch to you. It's all in the eye of the beholder, as they say :) Sure we cannot help the effect our surroundings have, other things things forcing themselves on us. Rules, other people forcing their laws or culture etc. But we ALWAYS have to take responsibility for our INDIVIDUAL lives sooner or later. It's part of growing up. When we become adults, "I have no choice" becomes a lie of the self. There is always a choice. Wether it's good or bad. We make it a "I have no choice" ourselves. Wich is partly the message of this comic! :) Who drives YOUR life?
cthulhu does
Normal ones, baby Cuthulhu or the one from Cthulhu saves the world? :D
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