What is this from?
I need it for reasons.
The character is Etna from the game series/anime known as Disgaea. Her actual age is... indeterminable, though it's pretty obvious what she's meant to look like.
I'm assuming this specifically is a fan-bad H-parody vid. There may be no more to it than what you see, or there may be more. Longshot chance this is an ero-game, since the mainstream game company that licences Disgaea is unlikely to share the copyright.
I'm assuming this specifically is a fan-bad H-parody vid. There may be no more to it than what you see, or there may be more. Longshot chance this is an ero-game, since the mainstream game company that licences Disgaea is unlikely to share the copyright.
Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48717190
this is whole new level xD
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