it look prety like a torture by the spider point of view.
This is the entire point, scientists can be such a group of sadistic assholes.
You know if it wasn't for shit like this or farmers killing your food for people who bitch about people being so cruel and mean you wouldn't be living in this world we have today.
Well eating is necessarily and killing is not necessarily cruel, a lot of meatfood are based on natual died animal, or they can be killed in a not traumatic way, and i also say this for the taste of meat, if the dead is traumatic and violent the solidity and taste such.
This is more about a torture for an un-necessarily silk pajamas.
This is more about a torture for an un-necessarily silk pajamas.
Actually this is makes me laugh, and soon I'm going to be a scientist as well, so if I'll have to do stuff like this for science I would do it. But it doesn't mean that scientists couldn't be a group of sadistic assholes :-)
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