Yeah. "Butcher's Hook" for "Look"; "bucket and pail" for "Jail"; "apples and pears" for "stairs"; "ice cream freezer" for "geezer"; "syrup of fig" for "wig"; "china plate" for "mate", among others.
Just so, except they usually drop the part of the phrase that rhymes, so with your list there...
"I went to have a butcher's at me china up in the bucket, but I got stopped at the apples by some ice cream inna bad syrup. I mean, wot the fook?
A person who speaks heavily with the Cockney Rhyming Slang is very difficult to distinguish from a person suffering an aneurysm. :/
"I went to have a butcher's at me china up in the bucket, but I got stopped at the apples by some ice cream inna bad syrup. I mean, wot the fook?
A person who speaks heavily with the Cockney Rhyming Slang is very difficult to distinguish from a person suffering an aneurysm. :/
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"If we don't get their soon, we'll be in Barney."
"Barney... Barney Rubble; Trouble. We'll be in trouble."
It's pretty incomprehensible to outsiders... which may be the point.