Anonymous said:
Perhaps Discord would be willing to lend a hand/claw/paw? Or is even his magic not enough?
... £
mlpharmony06 said:
So what was Discord's reaction?
ask-lightning-n-dusk said:
Lightning here. How's Twilight's reversal spell going? Or how about asking Discord to fix you?
angelofequia said:
Can't you use some poison joke to make you smaller?
Anonymous said:
Urn ... why do not eat AJ bit "Poison joke"? asktwinkie said:
Does poison joke have the same results every time a pony is exposed to it? If so just dose AJ with some of it and she'll become Appletini
Anonymous said:
What would happen if AJ somehow activated the socks again? Would she shrink down... or would she get even bigger?
Anonymous said:
Was anything going through your mind when you were grown that the socks might've interpreted as a desire to be bigger?
... ^,mpl blogs,my little
Anonymous said:
Have you been in town recently?

Anonymous said:
How has fighting villains changed for you? Anonymous said:

Applejack, have you ever had to use your new size to fend off "big" problems? (Monsters attacking Ponyville, floods, etc.)
ask-lightning-n-dusk said:
Quick! The