Every rich A$3
Poor person!
You cou Id be rich lilce me if you
>HOLE I Enow IT’S S0 SIMPLE! Win at if my mommy and dadd aren t multi-millionaires?
У sketclnyCrab http://sketchycrakcom / sketchycrab :: comics :: rich :: people
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2846911, 2901361, 2174379, 2774518, 2758306, 2767470, 2736108, 2759530, 2754546, 2751756, 2759533, 2741630, 2748596, 2738914, 2827095
3/4 people who are wealthy (net worth of $5M or higher) did so by building and running their own business. The other quarter are every other method; inheritance, the 20% of lottery winners who didn't lose it all in the first two years, etc...