That awkward moment when pizza has more fans than God.
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Catholicism is the group of God fanboys who keep rewriting the holy scriptures to suit their current political agendas, preach that money is evil, so you should donate your wealth the the church so they can build literal golden cathedrals, that even the most horrendous crimes are forgivable if you come back to church and fill the collection plate (and speaking of unforgivable crimes? Remember those priests who raped the alter boys? Rather than throw them in jail, we quietly moved them to a different church whose congregation aren't aware there's a predator among them yet). They are the ones that programed into our heads from the time they were splashing water on our infant heads, that Faith, is the highest virtue of all! Faith outweighs everything else! Faith is the only thing that really matters!
"Faith", of course, being defined as believing without questioning or requiring evidence, in defiance of any contradictory evidence, and not asking any inconvenient questions they don't like.
So no, Catholicism ≠ God. Or at least we'd all better hope not.