V/hen it com« to ancient nom.ii-.m.iri.tn v.impir«. orx> com never be sure to which race. ¡1 cert.iin affected by vampirism individual belong-, to.
There are some nations who have been extinct fee many mlenniums and yet there con'd be a survivor, existing thanks to this condition.
Some go through... /
More like this ↓↓↓
5461424, 3120588, 3120602, 3120580, 3120558, 3120635, 3120642, 3120646, 3120532, 3120657, 3120524, 3120660, 3120661, 3120669, 3120672
Put her in a video game
I want to use her as an anti villian (I wanna save a cat but kill everyone else)