Listen. I know Tammy is our owner and everything...
But when she drinks, she tends to get really... urn HAVA'. SUCK \t *h¡cY YA SMELLY BUNCHA LLAMAS Guy s! let's not ma ke this into a big confrontation or anyth i ng.
Next time she says someth i ng stupid, we shouId all just g l a re at her.
M... / gif with a story :: llama :: alpaca
More like this ↓↓↓
3261728, 3472158, 3121767, 3222761, 3208029, 3016541, 3107849, 2201357, 2301077, 1641044, 1601284, 1086908, 3072397, 4599201, 3671854
I generally like these sorts of posts, but when your scripted direction for the animals is "just stare straight ahead" it feels a little like lazy writing.