Actually they are more or less the same. True Satanists don't believe in any sort of supernatural deity and believe the individual is in control of their own world. Their are a few weird satanic cults that believe in satan as a deity but they aren't really true satanists that follow The Satanic Bible. I know that Dr. Savitha Babi probably didn't mean this when she said they are both the same and probably was replying with the false believe that Satanists are crazy demon possessed people that eat babies and sacrifice goats or something and therefore was implying the same about Athiests. However her conclusion was actually correct, although her premises are what were false.
Do atheists sacrifice goats? I doubt
"True" satanists believe in SATAN. Atheists do no such thing.
Satanists worship SATAN. Atheists believe in humanity not a God of any sort. Get the facts right dumb ass.
"True" Satanists believe in Satan, genius. Atheists do not.
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