Why i set avatar and its not working?
Mine works just fine!
It's because youre a dick!
Well thank you Odin! Want some?
And how it can help with my problem?
Well it takes you busy while the system approves your avatar. If the resolution and the file size is correct offcource.
Big resolution. You need 50x50.
Same with this one. And by the way there is error about picture size, but non about resolution
Try convert to .png
Some time ago i tryed to set one gif an avatar, it didn't worked, but around 3 weeks later it suddenly has set. Idk why
P.s. sorry for my English
P.s. sorry for my English
Clear your cache, you already have this avatar.
I do it several times already, dammit. Give me screen shot or pizdabol?
It's probably because of mobile version. I dunno how it works but you already have your avatar for quite a vile. I already used it here.
Quite a while, lol*
i just login on jr.com from PC first time in my life and see this, whats happening to me suka bliat!
Clear cache on PC. If it won't work, I'm out of ideas.
Do you think I photoshoped it so fast on the tablet?
fastest hand on this server
i think youre some kind of magical deity who is a complete asshole and created to piss me off
Not "off".
I literally saved IOdinI's pic from this topic and it works, see above.
I'll remove it later
I'll remove it later
Схорони эту и обрежь вотермарки в пейнте
А теперь подожди, дай "устаканиться"
Напиши ещё
Если не прокатит, хватай аватарку прямо из постка и уже вставляй как есть
Если не прокатит, хватай аватарку прямо из постка и уже вставляй как есть
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