Do you think - the humanities have no future?
IMHO - they have no future and they are practically useless
So what can you recommend to fix that situation?
Just get the technical education
so we will have only engineers, and then what?
Only engineers and robots which serve them. And a bit of talanted artists and psychologists.
I don't see solution in robots. How much time it will take for them to understand that people are pathetic and take control on the earth? (in future i mean). Another problem is our ego and selfishness. Ambitions
Abord money system
And what's next? Communism?
Nop anarchy and small communities where people are next to there leaders and where everyone is free to stay and contribute or leave whenever they want without money and visa...
Look at Somali, do people ther live better than in France for example?
They're not free and don't have any ressources
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