Does anybody know - what's ching chong?
Ching chong is a pejorative term sometimes employed by speakers of English to mock people of Chinese ancestry, or other Asians who may be mistaken for Chinese. (c) Wiki
I don't think it's fair to compare mass and serial killers to cruel dictators, as the first ones do all the work themselves and the last just give orders which result in death of others. I think they haven't even gave those orders directly most of the times, they just formed a system which resulted in mass murders.
But they have blood on their hands. You should look at this picture from that point of view.
Umm, if we're speaking metaphorical blood - we probably all have by paying taxes that support wars.
Some people dont pay taxes directly, they are sitting on social dotations. But they pay taxes anyway because of VAT included in any product or service. So, we all are sponsoring wars, and it's the sad fact
Agree, but we have no any other option if we want to live comfortly... more or less
Well duh, of course it is - standing out for truth and justice is always uncomfortable: you get hosed, peppersprayed, beaten, even killed sometimes for that.
Even the said Hitler had his time in the big house because he was standing out for what he believed to be true and just. Just sayin.
Even the said Hitler had his time in the big house because he was standing out for what he believed to be true and just. Just sayin.
Stalin and Mao often gave those orders personally, it's the historical fact. So their hands was in blood in all senses
Still their orders were physically carried by breviks of that time, like Ramon Mercader, the infamous soviet ice-axe assasin - those were the people who had to do all the fucking work, no matter who's idea it was in the first place.
Yeah, it's true. But responsibility for murdering someone and for ordering to murder is equal.
If there were no such men as brevik of that time or Ramon Mercader, dictators could found someone else to do all dirty work. Even someone who wouldn't had been enjoying massacres.
Yes, but we at least should give some credit to those who did the hard part.
Nope. No credits. They just had guts to murder a person. Some of them were just insane.
Yeah, at least they had SOMETHING going on in their lives.
And they did their job with pleasure. Orders were given with pleasure too.
And after that they did an evil laughter.
nope, they did expressions like these
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