My ideas come to me when I'm sleeping
I usualy sleep while showering
not very economical. yoo kill nature with your water overrun
ok, you kill nature by eating meat, using ur car, writing on a paper, bying books (paper ones), using wooden (and not only wooden) furniture in your apartment,using an air freshener and etc
just try to use recyclable materials, don't use papper, alcaline batteries etc, and - it's important - save energy and water
Do you think showering every days is respecting nature ?
Think about why you shower everydays, I'm sure the answer will not be "because I need" ;)
Think about why you shower everydays, I'm sure the answer will not be "because I need" ;)
I take a shower when I'm dirty, not for pleasure. And at the short time
I don't know for you, but unfortunately in France, if you say you wash only a day on two, you're considered as dirty -_-
it depends what do you do. if you the internet bastard like me - you could be clean day or two. And if you work at the blast furnace - you'll be dirty in 5 minutes
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