Why bother with HL3 if you can fix few Source bugs and release another CS on this brand new updated super engine?
n't really wait HL3...i mean, i'd been waiting HL2's episode three some time ago, but now i just gave up with this. Maybe that's because i have understood that game-making companis' idea is not into making a good game but into making more money, even if they sell some bad things
Heh, you don't know the half of it, mate 8)
Few weeks ago my boss forced me to remake application icon to make it look like "my little pony" icon (color scheme, composition, curly thingies at title) so people would buy our crappy game by mistake.
Though later he got cold feet and dropped this idea(with few days of my work >8((( ) - someone explained to him that he'll probably end up sued and banned at appstore.
Few weeks ago my boss forced me to remake application icon to make it look like "my little pony" icon (color scheme, composition, curly thingies at title) so people would buy our crappy game by mistake.
Though later he got cold feet and dropped this idea(with few days of my work >8((( ) - someone explained to him that he'll probably end up sued and banned at appstore.
oh, that's a shame...but really "shame" is not correct word for this situation. so this is CRAP! couldn't he think about this before forcing you to make app icon like mlp? so you didn't had to work on thing that would be thrown up later...crap... So you are game developer or designer?
Frustrating, but I still getting paid, so its kind of okay I guess.
Game developer yes. 2d/3d art.
Game developer yes. 2d/3d art.
nice, it's interesting to speak with someone who is in that industry. but i think, you can't tell much because of company's rules. can you name some of your games?

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