For sale? I'm not concerned about license if you aren't and willing to sell your art. Superb - unless made using a 3D printer (j/k). Seriously - If you still have this or more -- I have bit-coin and super secure software "fence" all you you need is the Motivation to sell this to me. Either way - I love this and if you're this talented, I'd like to privately pay you a commission for items similar but only a wishlist - as they would all need a master of reproducing game/movie art masterpiece props with 100% detailed authenticity. I have a TOR website if you'd like to see what other accomplished artists, Privately and anonymously, recreated for me. Problem is I seem to over pay or scare everyone away. :) Obviously Its because I never take any security precaution for granted, all my tracks erased, and TOR website changes its address randomly - usually I am the one too hard to locate, I'm certain. Let me know here or I know a perfect website if you have Flash, giant ballroom for avatars, communication secure and discrete, especially when there's 10,000 on the same website and 50,000,000 fake IPs to make it air-tight.
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