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"honey im pregnant!"	"isnt that awesome"
"but i dont get how i got pregnant..."	, f 13/Semen „,auto,Giorgio Tsoukalos,Ancient Aliens
Le me checking my „ld asian sister
homework. • ■
5 years
then suddenly i saw this
Phiptlnh :
You have 10 fingers, because you have an A-,
_ 2 of your finger are cut.
Now, how many fingers do you have?
Hai bin tay em c<510 ngbn, do diia nghjch dao, nfin bjcilmal di2 ng6n tay.
Hoi em cdn
10 dumb laws in the USA
1. In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church.
2.ln Florida, if an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
3.ln Kansas, rabbits may not be shot from motorboats
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