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i elon4 -feel like UJOrk.Ag anymore	To: Tim Russert
SL	Subject: My Future Here i quit
iAviSiklebread-com,job,quit,invisible bread,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons
and i told Kgr,
it you do that, it's all over/"
and tken she
di'd anyway/
^ ___ ___________
and that's taken
everything came
crashing down...
(	* *) 'W
Sorry about your Jenga game, Alq/|
iftvisiklebfead-com,invisible bread,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,break up
IniS amaainq coworkers gathered to tell к»**1 one lest thing before he left
Ji*n, uje could all hear every son3 you listened to in your headphones this whole ti/ne."
iAvisiklcbread-com,job,work,quit,invisible bread,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons
i ftv i s i blc. b reed • com,invisible bread,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,work
+oo little -Рог leftovers, but enough to rnake yog look Wasteful/
iAviSiklebcea<t-<.om,invisible bread,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,food,meal
jicrtnuy/ you t*aу he«e created the best thlo^ you'll ewer create! and at such 4 youftj o^e!
oh whoops, i should hove phrased that
i hope what ! Said doesWt affect him •forever
i Avisi blehread-com,kid,art,beautiful pictures,invisible bread,comics,funny comics & strips,
Лот that • hove free time, * konestly have Ло idea what to do...
ал<А all i did wa$ play video games...
alright, step one. ploy a video game
you used to like tkese
i л v I s i ble. b	. com,invisible bread,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,holidays
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