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Name the characters

,art,beautiful pictures,alphabet,horror,poster

Name the Star Trek Character

,sandbox,art,beautiful pictures,geek,nerd / IT / tech humor,star trek,tv shows,alphabet,quiz,fandom,series

Spooktacular by Adam Osgood

,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures
,spooky,alphabet,art,beautiful pictures,gif,animated pictures

A is for Aerith. stabbed right through the tummy
B is for Bowser, whose bridgework was crummy
C is for Crono. or was that his double?
D is for Dhalsim. who had yog a trouble
E is for Ecco. and he was delicious
F is for Frogger. who got too ambitious,alphabet,videogames
G is for Ganon who gained too tnuch weight
H is for Heavy whose sandvich was bait
I is for Ice Man whose best friend was Hot
J is for Jim whom the early bird caught,alphabet,videogames
K is for Kirby, popped, like a balloon
L is for Link, who was crushed by the moon
M is for Mario (faulty transmission)
N is for Navi,why wouldn't they listen?,alphabet,videogames
o IS for Old Man. Who needed that sword
R is for Rajman, since nohodj cares,alphabet,videogames
5 is for Sonic, who needed some air
T is for Tails, who also was there
U is for Ultros. done in by chlorine
V is for Voldo. whose shave was too clean,alphabet,videogames
W is for Wario, with too many Wares
Z is for Zelda. who wished for THE END,alphabet,videogames

W is for Wario, with too many Wares
Z is for Zelda. who wished for THE END,alphabet,video games,deleted

Music alphabet: how many can you guess?


B Bob Marley 
C The Cure 
D David Bowie 
E Elvis Presley 
F Pink Floyd 
G Guns n' Roses 
H Jimi Hendrix 
I Ian Curtis (Joy Division)
J Michael Jackson 
K Kiss 
L John Lennon 
M Madonna 
N Nirvana 
O Sinead O'Сonnor 
P Prince 
Q Queen 
R The Rolling Stones 
S Carlos Santana 
T Tina Turner 
U U2 
V Van Halen 
W Stevie Wonder 
X Sex Pistols 
Y Iggy Pop 
Z Led Zeppelin 

,geek,nerd / IT / tech humor,abc,alphabet
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