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~T~ake +Ke +i'me +o lear A +Ke rooie of every SiAOjIe persOA +Ka+ you work wi'+K.
3us+ SO you caA rub i+ (A someone's -Pace wheA +hey doA'+ remember yours.
How was Your weekend, Bob?
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l+'s a sad buf necessary s+ep in adulthood when you accept +he £ act +ha+ you will i''ever be a -famous actor, rock s+ar, author or a+hle+e.
Luckily, i+ hasn't happened +0 me ye+
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T + +akes milli'OAS ar\d millions Of years +o -form oil
Ai^d we will probably burA -f-hrou^K (+ all iV\ ^us+ a -feu Kindred.
/M.aybe X sKould S+op iV\+eA+ioo.ally Kit+iAo^ bike riders.
cali'nblueoceaAS.cor'x,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,calmblueoceans,oil
S^SKi iS a lot like sex.
gl	|g
l*Jher\ you're youmt^ if seems ^ross
You Kave i+ all +he +(Vwe iy\ your 2.0's
A^d +Кел you leam +o ОУ^\у <^e+ i+ -from a repu+able source.
calrablyeocea^s.corn,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,calmblueoceans,sushi,sex,fucking
бТуегу+К(‘л^ is more -Гил wi+K +Ke -family cio^
жЧ* *
(^Specially do^ ^i^K+iVvoy
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ky\ow you've (our\d true love wKerx you -feel completely com-for+able beiVvo^ yourself.
Bu+ -for (Sod's Sake, leave SOme+KiV\^ +o +Ke iVv\aoyV\a+(0A.
Aly poop looked
like a free s+y^p.
calmblueoceaAS.cor^,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,calmblueoceans,love
All Uve. ever иал+ed is a comple+ely логгла! Ii’-fe
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X клоы у0<J Kate your job
ßu+ i-f a pros+1+u+e can pre+endl +0 like uKa+ She does -for a liviVv^
So can you.,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,calmblueoceans,job,hate
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