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Joined Facebook
December 8,2004
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Born on November 25,1983,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,doghousediaries,life,facebook
I'd like to bring awareness to parents everywhere, of the subtle yet important difference between these two statements.
Ah, we love Pan Ou<f fifSt child w SI	5. as bom there.	That's nice. j ]
Ah, we love Pan Out' fifSt child w 1	s. as conceived there. 0* T r 1	J
1	V TO J	
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$£>00 receipt for auto repairs	$0.£>0 receipt for snickers bar
■â'd) i*ç*A Jtd ¿ó,the doghouse diaries,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,receipt
How IT deals with people’s problems
How IT deals with their own problems
Verify system and program preferences.
Disable programs that may be interfering with proper functionality.
Delete program preferences file.
Disconnect peripheral electronics from computer.
Check that all software is up
Some people say I'm paranoid.		
J,comics,funny comics & strips, cartoons,the doghouse diaries,chips
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