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,funny pictures,metal-time,auto
EKceilt him,funny pictures,metal-time,auto
LPhotos.com.,funny pictures,metal-time,auto
So you listen to Justin Beiber?
Who the FUCK is Justin Beiber?,funny pictures,metal-time,auto
All metal should be removed from the Earth, such filthy lyrics, vocals and especially the people that play on the bands. They're all gay, wrist slitting emos with stupid side fringes and you can't forget their tight faggot jeans. Their legs must have lost circulation so that's why they're always
Sadly, most people will not share this but...
This is Mike
Mike was falsely institutionalized in 1983. All he wanted was a Pepsi, and his parents wouldn’t give it to him, and they sent him to a mental facility. Please be one of the few to share this in hopes that we can free Mike.,funny pictures
,funny pictures,metal-time,auto
,funny pictures,metal-time,auto
,funny pictures,metal-time,auto
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