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Howto summon the.
Must be done at any time between 3 and 4 AM.
1)	Stand in front of a mirror.
2)	Chant "Slender Man" 13times.
3)	Turn the lights off. and then on again.
4)	You should see him in the mirror standing behind you. But remember, he isn't really there. Most importantly.
,funny pictures,morbid-channel,auto
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Tug Tug Tug
You could kick yourself. Its the middle of the night-or early in the morning, depending on how you look at it-and freezing cold because you, like an idiot, kicked off your blanket in the night. Nearly entirely off the bed, in fact, with only one lonely corner clinging to the edge of
Am I the only person that thinks the morbid-channel should be for things that are actually morbid not just shitty puns created that hold literally no laughter whatsoever. I am obviously talking about the “morbid for people who...etc” these are not funny they are just a poor attempt at being funny,
The Baby Doll
In rural southern Illinois a toy company began selling "realistic" baby dolls to expectant mothers. But apparently after the mother had her child the toy baby would start crying. Eventually the "rocking motion'' advertised to calm it down wouldn't work, and you couldn't get it to
,funny pictures,morbid-channel,auto
If these kids are the future, we're doomed!
\o/ MotivatedPhotos.com,funny pictures,morbid-channel,auto
,funny pictures,morbid-channel,auto
,funny pictures,morbid-channel,auto
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