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ншгаогим HORROR BDROERS,funny pictures,auto,sign,slenderman,burger
there was this loud scrape acrossed me window just now and my dog freaked out and ran out of my room HAHA
......if i die, „ just know you are my best buddy
okay haha
what the fuck im freaked out sorry lol
you can hold my hand
thanks baby
...that's really funny tho
was it like loud
The Slenderman. That is my name. Der Rifter. . Grosse Man. . .
All of those are my name. . . I am known for them. . but there are a few things. I, the Slenderman. . am not known for.. . and that. . . Is my past...
I can’ t really recalI ever being physically born... I guess I wasn’ t.
Humans are
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