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Nikki S*
Bahahaha me and my dad! :]
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. e Corvnent hours ago via mobi'e ■ *&fcj S likes this.
Tom S I WAS STONED, i thought you reaSy looked like that
57 minutes ago • Like
r\| NikkiS
, .1^3 56 minutes a<
Really dad?
56 minutes ago • Like
Tom ya i even fed tyou cat food
,funny pictures,stoner-humor,auto
People always told me that weed \s a gateway drug.
but still i'm trying it.
"Don't try it, you'11 never know to what it may lead
Now,two years later. I have come to conclusion that they were right.	NwWd
It has led me to many, many things... Including:
Music that i knew excisted
,funny pictures,stoner-humor,auto
,funny pictures,stoner-humor,auto
I know this girl on my block. Every time I see her she asks me to get high. And every time I tell her that
I’m not into that.
She says ail the kids are doing It.
It that’s true, then why can’t she find someone else to do it with?
aJwvet!- .'lnflumce.ce ©
wants to hang
and get high.
Am I the only one who gets really happy when i randomly check the time, and it's 4:20 %
V,funny pictures,stoner-humor,auto
Things you should know about
Statistically speaking, you or someone you knew has probably used marijuana as a
recreational drug at least once. Did you know there's more to the pot plant than a mellow high? The plant has actually been used in America since its founding.. but not to get
I Oft N H fi'S C НЕЕ Z &U R CE R,C 0 M -5» i 4S-
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