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Nice trip to the .com

Farewell comrades, maybe see you soon, maybe not...
And if I don’t know how to Art, comics, scribbles, music, crafts, photos, cosplay. And most importantly I'm lazy ?

Cats steal your best years !


faggots help!

Such a thing, my grandmother opened the Internet, and unfortunately went to the wrong place. Full package:
- Tiktoks with a country of disinformation from phimotic incels.
- The first channel, which is like on TV only worse.
And so on and so forth. To my attempts to explain that you should not believe any bullshit without checking, she issued an ultimatum - "give me, vnuchek, an algorithm (How is it, to search and check the dat'ы enti, vnuchek)
So...Does anyone have an adequate article on the principles of checking and confirming data on the Internet, simple enough to understand and not really stupid? Of course, I am now looking for something similar, or rather I will even write it myself, but I will not say that I am very attentive and tem pache, competent in the matter of verification.
So tired, might be taking a nap already.

Note to self: take 5-minute breaks to walk with old good "walkman" with fav oldies at least twice per hour.

Stress level: 47%, perhaps

3000mw high power 532nm green laser pointer


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Superior European breeding stock

Asian Wife
i love you for who you art.
God has given me a grtat husband.
We will have cute children like their dad.
I want to raise them to be Christian like us.
Sex is a blessing from God.
I want to make you happy.
I want us to always enjoy each other.
&грап ÎPIjore
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