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Found 225
What do you call a bee that comes from America?
USB,pun intended,long post
Can February march?
No, but April may.,pun intended,long post
What do you call a belt with a clock on it?
A waist of time.,pun intended,long post
What did the buffalo say to his son at school dropoff?
Bison.,pun intended,long post
What ¿o you ca II a rnay'\c A og?
A LabtracaAabraAor.,pun intended,long post
What do you call a bear with no ears?
B.,pun intended,long post
Whats the b esf thing about Switzerland?
I don't know, bot the it -flag is a huge plus-,pun intended,long post
¿o With a ¿ea¿ ehern i it?
What <d
о you
You ßatiunn.,pun intended,long post
On what da/ of the week do chickens hide?
Fry-day.,pun intended,long post
What do you call an elephant that doesn't matter?
An irrelephant.,pun intended,long post
\s my step ladder.
I neve»' knew my rea I ladder.,pun intended,long post
What Ao you get When a chicken I ays its eggs- on the top of a h ill?,pun intended,long post
hoW ¿o you make a hot dog stand?
You take a Way its chair.,pun intended,long post
Where should you leave your dog when you go shopping?
In the booking lot.,pun intended,long post
“I want the collective vomit of thousands of tiny creatures.”
“And the aborted fetuses of twelve unsuspecting victims.”

“...and a dozen eggs. Got it.”,brutal
,pun intended
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