
Search results for "europe map"

Was like sweet I'm behind one of the Google maps cars then realized its just Bing.
Game of Thrones Map. Took me 3 months, 3-4 hours per day. (Colour is more beautiful in reality)


The awesome photo was taken last week by Europe’s Rosetta spacecraft, which is currently on a mission to land on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The Rosetta was 16 km — or 10 miles — away from its destination when it snapped the stellar selfie.
Divided Ukraine. Euromaidan activists VS pro-russian activists
Ukraine straddles the border between Europe and Russia, and its geography finds itself deeply embedded and deterministic of cultural identity. The east and south is predominantly “pro-Russia”, with the west trying to forge closer bonds with the European Union.

More: http://yrisska.livejournal.com/11744.html
Here we've collected best posts, arts, cartoons, memes related to europe map (+830 posts - europe map)