
Search results for "funny legend of Zelda comic"

From the author: I really like Jony Ive. Dude is a legend in hardware design, and when Apple moved him to be over all design, including OS stuff, well, that made me happy.
But, it seems to me they only bring him out of his little white box to talk at these keynotes in video form. So I thought, maybe he’s literally in a white box in a white room somewhere? Well, not really…good friend of the site, Steve (Buxley from The Instance) had the idea and I stole it from him, with his permission, of course. :) Thanks, Steve!
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O’ Q,funny pictures,legend-of-zelda,auto
YOU FOUND A COMPLETE HEART!<3,funny pictures,legend-of-zelda,auto
,funny pictures,legend-of-zelda,auto
_So, I was wondering how many members of the FJ community are fans of the Zelda series. So I made this. You see my fine arts class just recently got 5 Maker Bots that do 3D printing (it basically melts a string of plastic and forms your creation). So for our finals we were assigned to make a 3D
,funny pictures,legend-of-zelda,auto
“HEY!” I just met you So this is crazy
But I’m a fairy So “LISTEN!” maybeP
UIDEOBaMES.MEMEBaSE.COM,funny pictures,legend-of-zelda,auto
Here we've collected best posts, arts, cartoons, memes related to funny legend of Zelda comic (+1000 posts - funny legend of Zelda comic)