
Search results for "george harrison"

'alio Germani! We have, um, of accident lost the Yuromonies yuo gibing last time!
Gib. No questions. Just gib.
Vill yuo exusings me for small time? Ich habe decision to makings.
Ungrateful Yuropoors! Always want more.
Zis place of NOTHING wizout me!
I do all ze work! Unt what do I
1. Reimu <-> Java

2. Marisa <-> C#
3. Youmu <-> Clojure
4. Sanae <-> Scalla
5. Sakuya <-> C++
6. Kanako <-> Python
7. Nitori <-> C
8. Patchouli <-> SQL
9. Miko <-> Go
10. Shiki Eiki <-> Rust
11. Koishi <-> Brainfuck
12. Joon <-> Solidity
13. Keiki <-> GLSL
14. Cirno <-> Scratch
15. Aya <-> Swift
16. Sumireko <-> JavaScript
17. Mouku <-> Erlang
18. Seija <-> Malbodge
19. Shinmyoumaru <-> Lua
20. Raiko <-> Lily Pond
21. Ran <-> R
22. Chen <-> Julia
23. Yukari <-> Fortran
24. Yuyuko<-> COBOL
25. Kutaka <-> Chicken Scheme (the chick is looking very blank and egg)
Here we've collected best posts, arts, cartoons, memes related to george harrison (+498 posts - george harrison)