funny pictures

funny pictures

*Me working at Auto Derp Pretty bored I i^r'j /• ) \ right now. . . .	In walks an attracti young lady. /('V 1	ve
Hello, my right blinker is not working, where is your blinker fluid at?	Ma'am there is no such thing as blinker fluid, you need to replace the blub... P)	
*turns angry and starts
[Grandmet... I’m gay. j
Un, по. X have sex wrlk other men.
G ay7 Is thûtihcone ' where you 4on4 ecrt meid?.,funny pictures,auto
Luc psfch-eew's.or'Ne,funny pictures,auto
I Like the Inferwebz
Boom de yada
Boom de yada
Boom de yada
And all the god damn trolls
Boom de yada
This song is now diamonds
They be stealing mah bucket
oom,funny pictures,auto
,funny pictures,auto
FunnyJunk sent me here
lizzardjokeXD 2 hours ago
this is why people hate us you fool
wolvesXD in reply to lizzardjokeXD 1 hour ago,funny pictures,auto
#67380 Gentle Grip Socks (6 pair set)...$19.95
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Massage away stress and tension. Deep penetrating massage1*^ soothes aching muscleS and helps stimulate circulation. For use on ne shoulders, back - anywh on your body. Uses 2xC batteries (not
The season is over and you don’t know what to do.
How about you answer me this one little question.
my mother?,funny pictures,bendingtime,auto
,funny pictures,auto
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