funny pictures

funny pictures

□ Anonymous 11/27/11 (Sun)20:26 No.118364975 Filel322443575.¡PQ-Í44 KB. 346x321, Hadvar.jpg)
>Be working for Empire
>See tons of those stormcloaks on wagons
>We’re totally gonna get them this time
>There's some poor person I don't recognize, so I ask their
>They stand there in complete
‘'Me, swimming Ln the ocean*
*Lifeguard on
j etski*
Excuse me, why are you out so far if you can't swim?,funny pictures,auto
ZITS By Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
® стш,funny pictures,auto
,funny pictures,auto
*At teh friends house
*In the morning I ask my friend if i can use his shower
Hey dude can i use	Yeah
How the fuck do work this thing?
*we play CoD all night
Fucking noob tubers!
*Look at shower faucet
Headshot bitch!,funny pictures,auto
Kill the parents, and you create,funny pictures,bendingtime,auto
I M A LION ГМ A LION!!!!!!!!!! I'm а
lion. I'm a I'm a LION!UNd I'm actually • DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!! ГМ A DRAGON!!!!!!!!! And ¡Heels «омюооооооооgoooooood!!! I'M A LION AND A DRAGON AT THE SAME TIME!!!! I'M A CHAMPION!!! I'M A LION!!!!!!!!!!!,funny pictures,auto
I i fucking love you xD v
Like • Comment • 22 minutes ago • Jti
^^m^№)likes this.
“love fucking you
that could have been embarrassing, you're welcome
9 minutes ago • Like ■ *5 5
GUSTA,funny pictures,auto
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