funny pictures

funny pictures

Yeah, i would never date a guy with a small penis.
Oh my god, don't you know how sexist that is?? You fucking pig blah bla£—aleh blah....
Yeah, like i wouldn't want to date a girl with small tits,funny pictures,auto
may lead to ridiculous amounts of happiness,funny pictures,ponytime,auto
Directions: Just bdbft going to Sleep instead of placing Oils omdlestlcV
on a table. »tick ft up your ass to the mark Indicating the number of hours you wish to sleep, then lie on your face, light the candie and *o to sleep Do not (ait In your sleep or you will blow oul the candle,funny pictures
Today, my 6 year-old daughter was asking me questions about Santa Claus at dinner. My 13 year-old daughter was getting annoyed with all the dumb questions and simply told her younger sister that Santa didn't exist. Instead of being aghast and upset, my younger daughter just said, "Yea but neither
,funny pictures,auto
,funny pictures,auto
Hey that guy is sleeping while standing
I’m Chinese you Racist Bastard,funny pictures,auto
eating in the back room today with 'no food or drink'! :D
Like • Comment • 4 minutes ago
even though there were signs saying
Wdtih out, we got a badass over here.,funny pictures,auto
This movie is not scary at all.,funny pictures,auto
Here we collect posts, jokes, pictures about funny pictures (+144866 posts - funny pictures)