funny pictures

funny pictures

File : 1306182869.jpq-i111 KB, 1024x612)
□ Anonymous 05/23/11(Mon)16:34:29 No.3300248120® [Reply] Just found these outside. What does Ibl think? Psilocybin or not?
■	□ Anonymous 05/23/11 (Mon)16:35:43 No.3300250070
cool keyboard op!
□ Anonymous 05/23/11 (Mon)16:35:51 No.330025023S NO. dont eat
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Howto Get Women
Because you favourited POKEMON?,funny pictures,auto
*le me pondering
I'm hungry. What should I eat? Wendy's or Jack in the Box?
I'll just derp on funnyjunk for a while then go get food
Why am I still here? I'm soo hungry!
Time for some Mother F*cking Wendy's
Hmmm. Mother F*cking Wendy's.. Why does that seem familiar...
Mother F*cking Wendy's..
,funny pictures,auto
I mean., can i have a FB boyfriend ..?
Thursday at 10:00pm • Like • Comment
HRkrh Sure. Lets have fb sex. i wanna put my face between your (.)(.) then i wanna use my :P to lick your {} then put my 8==D in your {} then in your :0 then i will finsh by 8==D<< on your:)
Yesterday at 3:07am •
□ Anonymous (ID NamBNB5W) 03/23/12(Fri)18:00:19 No.388638223
This happened a long time ago.
>Take really attractive girl out for a date at this expensive as FUCK Italian restaurant
>Eat for a while, small talk
>Eventually get bill
>Smile to her
>"Dont worry, I'll pay "
>She glares
Guess who stole shit from me again???
t 24 hours ago via Twitter • Comment • Like
3 people like this
fjj Reddit??? LOL
23 hours ago • Like
Stfu FJ we all know who it really was.
21 hours ago • Like
■ JJ If you're implying that it's me than you're sadly mistaken...
The awkward moment when you travel back in time to the 1800's and suddenly remember that the world is not just black and white.,funny pictures,auto
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