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I was going to dump my Boyfriend because he is a Virgin but...?
I was going to dump my Boyfriend because he is a Virgin but before that he dumped me saying he cannot date whores :( HELP!!!
	2 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.	| 1 Report Abuse
I like people whose names tell short stories, like "John went", where'd he go? Ha ha ha!
I don't know! i,funny pictures,auto
File : 1261349632.ipg-i400 KB, 1067x1600)
□	Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)17:53 No.7211165 [Reply]
ITT: Girls who look like they are going to explode out of their clothing any second.
ZJff	□ AnOnYmOuS 12/20/09(Sun)17:57 No.7211200
,	I	Filel261349852.jpq-f154 KB, 520x725)
□	Anonymous
,funny pictures,auto
Always be yourself, unless you can be a narwhal. Then always be a narwhal.,funny pictures,auto
The Scariest Video Game Ever
A Edit
2 Talk nrni fgg
I just got done playing one of the SCARIEST video games ever. Now, hear me out before saying, "Oh, he’s probably just a fag that gets scared of everything.” I don’t get scared of video games or movies. I've played many survival horror games and
^Yoor father sayS he'll stop,funny pictures,auto
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