funny pictures

funny pictures

*Derpin in the pool with friends
All right men
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iDflü AT&T 9
4:26 PM
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Messages	JsItG	Edit
Sep 14, 2011 4:17 PM
I'm not saying it's aliens, ^ but it's whaliens!
^Lmfaoo screencap this nd x put it on funnyjunk haha
To the "Front Page"!N,funny pictures,auto
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Let us know why you stopped using Kik Messenger
A tribe of water buffalo V] kidnapped me and forced me to uninstall it
D « wasn't reliable enough
□ It was too slow
I switched to another app as my primary messaging app
It doesn't have enough features E) (tell us what we should add below!)
How we like to make people so uncomfortable?!
*1 cant believe u slept with wy best friend*
•that was before i knew u*
/0%, Mate
aw ur so cute» »STFU*
•I think we should have babies*
Busy day in shopping centre, we and best wate (both wales) surrounded by people on esculator
2 hours ago &
"its annoying when overweight people say that a weight issue runs in their family, be real, clearly nothing runs in your family”
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tS	and 33 others like this.
2 hours ago • Like • & 1
n Tommy	dont make fun of fat people! they
already have enough on
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Thumb up if you have ever wished you could freeze time just for the ability to fuck any girl you wanted.
Thumb up if you'd be scared that time would unfreeze in the middle of fucking that girl.,funny pictures,auto
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