funny pictures

funny pictures

My wife has it
< ¿.-j,funny pictures,auto
What People Think "Rupees” Are,funny pictures,auto
,funny pictures,auto
When I was in elementary school I had lots of friends
was the fastest kid on the play ground
I watched shows when they used to be good
And I said I wanted to be an Architect when I grew up
.then I hit puberty,funny pictures,auto
n* 24 minutes ago I*
So, I'm at Walmart yesterday, walking behind two guys with downs syndrome, no big deal. We pass by a display for Downy fabric softner, one of them points to it and they both start to laugh, seeing this I start to laugh too. They both turn around with serious faces on and go
,funny pictures,auto
She will never have a boyfriend,funny pictures,auto
Won’t be here next week... so here you go early.
Hey! Husband, Exar!
I noticed you both have been spending a lot of money!
We need to start SAVING money and stop wasting it on things we don't need. And Exar you need to start paying rent or doing work to make ends meet!
Food... some
my favourite
one...or not
I don't think I can find anymore cool ones...Enjoy,funny pictures,auto
Here we collect posts, jokes, pictures about funny pictures (+144862 posts - funny pictures)