funny pictures

funny pictures

IT ok C^il^rcn,, ■¿Ooiaij Wfi
■ JiAVg a. v/er«> 4-pE.ci^l
I pKere witk I	Mr. Br«.WPV
\everyone, sau, ^AeWo /V. ‘Bi-aw«/'1
2+2= H-3+1 = 5
Vielio /^r. Rrown/,funny pictures,4chan,auto
Grandad remembering the good old days
When I was a boy, rny MdRfrna would send me down t a corner store with $1<ana I’d come back with 5 bags of potatoes, 2 loaves of bread, 3 bottles of milk, a hurt! of cheese, a box of tea, and 6 eggs.
You can't do that now.
Too many security cameras,funny
Weird Observations Vart O ne
Why do hot dogs come in packs of ten and hot dog buns come in packs of eight?
Why can't women put on mascara without having there mouths open?
Why does no one pay attention to you until you do something stupid or make a mistake?
Why is it if you look at your watch
File : 1214497465.jpq-(46 KB, 500x300, pedometer.jpg)
m Anonymous 06/26/08(Thu)12:24:25 No.74677514
Soup /b/?
So, about three weeks ago I read in a work secrets thread how to change the electronic road signs and I immediately made it my personal mission to change the one near my house to "ROAD'S
ШЭЦ1 01
Z ф woo a3£>ana.233HosyHNwoi
sisón Лион jamai 11 ajns ion,funny pictures,ponytime,auto
,funny pictures,auto
Fine, I'll show you.
K, loi!
There... You see that white and creamy stuff?,funny pictures,auto
I told my boyfriend I wanted to be a guitarist
He gave me these
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME,funny pictures,auto
,funny pictures,auto
alright i think we're done here
le dentist chair button
le me at the dentist
le chair,funny pictures,auto
Here we collect posts, jokes, pictures about funny pictures (+144865 posts - funny pictures)